Short S.17 Kent flying boat
Pilot's Notes

Before Takeoff

Elevator trim ½ division up.

Takeoff and initial climb

Full throttle. Takeoff is easy at 65-75 mph (58-67 kts).

When safely airborne reduce throttle to 90%. Let the
aircraft accelerate to 82 mph (73 kts) and begin to
climb, initially at 600-800 fpm (depending on weight)

En route climb

Reduce throttle to 83-85%.


Recommended cruising speed is (only!) 96 mph true
airspeed Your main instrument here is the airspeed
indicator. A throttle setting of around 65% is about
right, but you must adjust this from time to time to hold the correct airspeed.

Airliners of 1931 did not fly very high, altitudes
of 1000-3000 ft above sea level were the most common,
although the S.17 Kent had supercharged engines and
could fly higher if necessary. At 3500 feet, cruising
speed will be about 90 mph (80 kts) IAS (indicated airspeed).

Descent and landing

You are on your own when landing - Flight Simulator
does not include "runways" for flying boats. Reduce
altitude to 1000 ft, and find a suitable place for
landing against the wind. Taxi to the shore to let
the passengers out. (Press SHIFT +E and SHIFT +E+2
to open the doors, CTRL+SHIFT+F1 to shut the
engines down)